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Sogitec offers a full range of simulation devices for initial and recurrent
training as well as simulation components and subsystems.

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Training centers

Training centers

Sogitec’s Training Centers are designed as comprehensive turnkey solutions. They combine several simulation & training devices and all associated administrative services within a single larger training facility. Centers are aimed at all training phases, from initial procedures training to collective missions carried on in complex virtual tactical environments.

Full Services

Several training modes are available: stand-alone (1 sim), collective (2 or more sims), and distant (2 or more networked training centers). This comes with full services : courseware, instructors, maintenance, building and total care,… Sogitec Training Centers are already operational in France (Navy and Air Force Rafale Simulation Centers), UAE (Mirage 2000-9 Training Center),…

Networked Simulation

Networked Simulation

Today’s warfighters’ need for complex realistic training missions require the use of networked live, virtual, and constructive (LVC) simulation training capabilities. Whether for local or distant service, inter-service, and coalition mission training, Sogitec provides Armed Forces with a full set of computer generated forces (CGF) and networking technologies (HLA, DIS,…).

Simulation components & subsystems